Seasoned Spinach Kencur


3 tbsp oil, to saute
2 cm ginger, crushed
2 cm ginger, crushed
3 lime leaves
15 cm kecombrang, siangi
200 grams of spinach, siangi
1 bunch basil, leaves quote
salt, pepper, and sugar sufficient

Spices that:
8 red onions
5 cloves of garlic
5 cm kencur

10 pieces of red chili, sliced

How to make:
Heat the oil, saute ground spices together with galangal, ginger, lime leaves, kecombrang, stir and cook until fragrant.
Enter the spinach, salt, pepper, and sugar, stir, and cook until wilted spinach. Add the basil, stir, remove from heat.
Serve with slices sprinkled with cayenne pepper.

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