Sambal Be Tongkol (Bali)


500 grams of tuna
4 tablespoons of cooking oil

6 grains of red onion
2 cloves garlic
5 pieces of curly red chili
2 large red chilies, seeded
Tomatoes ½
1 tsp coriander
4 items hazelnut
3 cm turmeric
3 cm ginger
1sdt terasi
1 tsp salt
1 bay leaf
1batang lemongrass, crushed
1 tbsp tamarind water
Sambal matah (finely sliced​​)

7 grains of red onion
2 cloves garlic
6 pieces of curly red chili
4 slices lime leaves, discard the bones leaves, thinly sliced
½ lemon, take the water
½ tsp salt
½ tsp shrimp paste fried, mashed
4 tablespoons of cooking oil
Fry onion for topping
How to Make Sambal Be Cob Recipes (Bali)

1.Bersihkan tuna, take dagingnya.Sisihkan.Panaskan oil, saute ground spices, bay leaves, and lemongrass until fragrant and cooked.

2.Beri acidic water and put up matang.Angkat tongkol.Masak meat and shredded-shredded meat tongkol.Sisihkan.

3.Campur all matah sauce ingredients, then stir in berbumbu.Sajikan cob sprinkled with fried shallots.

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