Heart Krengsengan chicken gizzard


The original version uses goat meat. Add the number of thunderstorm, if you like.

6 pairs of liver and gizzard of chicken, cut into 2 parts
1 tablespoon soy sauce
6 tablespoons shrimp pastes
6 tablespoons oil, for sauteing
400 ml of water
4 large red chilies, sliced ​​½ cm oblique

Seasonings, puree:

10 grains of red onion
4 cloves garlic
6 fruit cayenne pepper
1 tsp white pepper grains
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp sugar
Fried Shallots

How to Make:

Mix liver and gizzard of chicken with sweet soy sauce and pastes, stir well. Let stand for 15 minutes to infuse. Set aside.
Heat oil, saute ground spices until fragrant. Enter the chicken liver and gizzard perendamnya its flavor, stir well. Cook until the chicken liver and gizzard half-baked.
Add water, bring to a boil. Cook until the sauce continues to shrink and out of oil. Enter the red pepper, and cook until wilted. Lift.
Serve with a complement.
Serves 6

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