Papaya Lodeh Young


500 ml of water
100 grams of beef tetelan
100 grams of white spice, see spice white base
3 bay leaves
2 cm galangal, crushed
1 papaya fruit weighing approximately 350 grams, sliced ​​into matchsticks
6 glandular beans, cut into pieces
500 ml coconut milk from 1 coconut
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar
50 grams of leaves melinjo
2 large red chilies, sliced

How to Make:
Boiled beef tetelah until soft, add 500 ml of water to keep, put a white base seasoning, bay leaves, and ginger, bring to a boil.
Enter papaya, green beans, coconut milk, salt, and sugar, and cook until the vegetables cooked.
melinjo and add the chopped red pepper slices, cook briefly, remove from heat.
Serve warm.

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