Onde Onde


1 pack flour dumplings fried mix
170 ml of cold water
25 grams of black sesame
25 grams white sesame
Material Content:

85 grams of dried red beans
50 grams fermented cassava, mashed
1/4 teaspoon salt
50 grams of sugar
1 sheet of pandan leaves, tie
200 ml coconut milk from 1/4 coconut
How to make:

Fill, presto red beans until cooked and tender. Puree.
Mix red beans with fermented cassava, salt, sugar, pandan and coconut milk. Cook over low heat until smooth. Chill. Weigh 10 grams each.
Stir fried dumplings mix flour and cold water. Let stand 15 minutes.
Take 20 grams of dough. Flatten. Give the content. Round shape. Roll mishmash of black and white sesame.
Edible oil is not too hot over low heat, stirring, stirring spinning until fluffy. Increase the flame to medium heat. Fry until cooked.

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