Fish Parape


Grouper, 1 tail, clean, split
Acidic water, 50 ml
Garlic, 2 cloves, minced
Soy sauce, 50 ml
Margarine, 50 grams
Cooking oil, 2 tablespoons

Subtle Seasonings:
Onion, 8 points
Cayenne pepper, 9 pieces
Red pepper, 1 piece
Sugar, 1 teaspoon
Shaved brown sugar, 1 teaspoon
Pepper, 1/2 teaspoon
Salt, to taste

How to make Fish Parape:
Marinate the fish with 25 ml of acid and salt water for 1 hour.
Mix 25 ml of soy sauce with garlic, stir. Grilled fish while spread with a mixture of soy sauce and margarine until cooked and lightly browned, remove from heat.
Heat 2 tablespoons oil, saute ground spices until fragrant. Add the remaining soy sauce and tamarind juice. Stir well. Saute until fragrant and cooked. Lift.
Place the fish in a serving plate, spread with herbs sautéed.
Serve with sliced ​​tomatoes, cucumber and lemon.

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