10 Recipes Snacks Traditional Markets

The traditional snacks are always tempting and appetizing. Call it traditional snacks like klepon, getuk lindri, plywood, hmmm ... always makes us nostalgic and proud to be Indonesian.

Skills ancestors created recipes that shake up the tongue is admirable and preserved. So that our grandchildren will always remember that typical of Indonesia, learned traditional cake recipes below and introduce your child on the menu is super delicious.

Here, we have 10 recipes snacks ala ancestors. Tempting and explained everything step by step for the beginner-friendly.

Klapertaart Cheese

Klapertaart delicious with slices of young coconut cake plus a sprinkling of cheese makes this even more special.


40 grams of cake flour
25 grams of cornstarch
400 ml milk
100 grams of sugar
1/4 tsp salt
20 grams of margarine
2 eggs, beaten off
1/2 tsp rum essence
75 grams of grated cheese
150 grams young coconut, rake width
25 grams of walnuts, roughly chopped

Topping ingredients:
raisins to taste
Grated cheddar cheese to taste

How to Make:

Dissolve cornstarch and flour with 100 ml of liquid milk.
Boil 300 ml milk, sugar and salt. Stir until boiling.
Pour the solution into the boiling milk powder. Boil until popped. Stir to prevent burning. Lift.
Enter the margarine, stir until well blended.
Add the eggs, batter, stirring until blended.
Add rum essence, grated cheese, coconut and walnuts. Stir all ingredients until blended.
Pour the dough in aluminum foil containers.
Put the aluminum container on a baking sheet that has been given little water.
Bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees celsius.
Remove Klapertaart, give sprinkles.
Bake for 25 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees Celsius until cooked.
Serve when cooled Klapertaart. If you like, put in the refrigerator before serving.

Mud Cake Pandan Suji

The green color is obtained from suji leaf juice mixed with pandan leaves make this mud cake tempting fragrance. You can also add young coconut mud cake when printed.


200 ml thick coconut milk
200 ml of water pandanus suji
3 lbr lime leaves
1/2sdt salt
2 eggs
150 gr steamed potato puree
120 gr flour
120 grams sugar

How to make:

Mix the coconut milk and pandan water suji, mix well set aside.
Beat eggs and sugar until fluffy, put the potatoes finely and stir well. Pour the green coconut milk gradually while stirring.
Heat the mud cake molds, pour the batter ¾ full. Close. Let the half-baked, decorated with raisins.
Close again cook until done. Lift.
Pour the dough in aluminum foil containers.
Put the aluminum container on a baking sheet that has been given little water.
Bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees celsius.
Remove Klapertaart, give sprinkles.
Bake for 25 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees Celsius until cooked.
Serve when cooled Klapertaart. If you like, put in the refrigerator before serving.

Semar Mendem Contents Abon

Semar Mendem is similar lemper snacks, it's just a fried dough wrapped exterior.


500 grams of glutinous rice
600 ml coconut milk
1 tsp salt
2 bay leaves
Shredded beef to taste

Dadar materials:

250 grams of wheat flour
3 eggs
500 ml coconut milk
1/2 tsp salt

How to make:

Wash thoroughly glutinous rice, steamed until hot kepul-kepul. Meanwhile cook the coconut milk, salt, and bay leaf to boil. Turn off the heat. Enter the hot sticky rice into the coconut milk, stirring until submerged. Let stand until the coconut milk and sticky rice absorbed into aron. Steamed another 20 minutes. Lift.
Take 2 tablespoons of glutinous rice, flatten, give 1 teaspoon shredded, then round and dense lump-lump, and oval shapes. Do it for all the glutinous
Dadar: put it in a container, flour, salt and eggs, stir while pouring coconut milk little by little until exhausted. Make a thin omelet.
Solution: take a sheet of omelette, put sticky lump in the middle, fold like an envelope.

Coconut Candy

Candy sweet made ​​of coconut you can make at home. More comfortable and healthy for sure.


1 coconut is not too old
175 grams of sugar
1 tbsp cornflour, dissolved in a little water
1/2 tsp vanilla
Enough food coloring to taste

How to Make:

Grated coconut with grated width (slightly larger than a cheese grater), set aside.
Boil sugar with a little water, stir until sugar dissolves.
Enter the coconut, stirring constantly until sugar water slowly running out.
Pour the starch solution, vanilla and a few drops of food coloring mix until well blended.
After wrapping, remove from the stove.
Prepare a baking sheet, spoon the dough on a baking sheet, arrange and give a distance, do it until the dough runs out.
Coconut Candy Wait until cool, then fill the jar tightly.

Cake Bowl Colorful Blooms

Bowl is a traditional snack cakes are still preferred. The sweet sticky you can make with ingredients easy to find and inexpensive.


30 grams of cake flour
1/2 tsp instant yeast
50 ml of water

Materials II:

150 grams of sweet cassava
125 grams of rice flour
75 grams of cake flour
200 grams of sugar
200 ml of warm coconut milk
1 egg, beaten off briefly
1/4 tsp salt
Food coloring to taste

How to Make:

I Mix all ingredients until blended. Let stand for 30 minutes.
Mix the rice flour, wheat flour and cassava. Puree until well blended tape with flour.
I pour the batter ingredients and eggs, knead until blended.
Add salt and sugar, knead again until all ingredients are well blended.
Pour warm coconut milk little by little. Whisk all ingredients until blended. Let stand for 45 minutes.
Divide the dough into pieces, put food coloring to suit your tastes.
Heat the steamer to steam out.
Pour batter in cupcake molds until full, put it in the steamer. Keep the distance is quite far from one another mold with a mold, so that the steam can rise to the top and broke cupcake.
Steam for 15 minutes over high heat.
Lift, remove it from the mold and ready to be served.

Fill spring rolls vermicelli

Lumpia not need contains bamboo shoots, you can replace it with vermicelli. It felt no less delicious and easy to make.


25 ready-made spring roll skins
1 egg white grains
Cooking oil to taste

Stuffing Ingredients:

75 grams of rice noodles, pour boiling, drain, cut that is not too long
100 grams of boneless chicken meat, finely chopped
75 grams of carrots, shaved or sliced ​​lengthwise thin box
50 grams of peas
50 ml of water
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar
2 stalks celery, thinly sliced
Cooking oil to taste

Subtle seasoning:

3 cloves of garlic
4 red onions
1/4 tsp pepper


Bangkok sambal chili sauce or bottled

How to Create Content:

Heat oil, saute ground spices until fragrant.
Add chicken, stir until it changes color.
Add the carrots and peas, mix both vegetables wilt.
Enter vermicelli, salt, sugar and water. Stir until all ingredients are well blended and dry shrinking water.
Add celery, stir briefly, remove from heat.
How to Make Lumpia:

Take a sheet of spring roll skin, fill with stuffing vermicelli according to taste.
Roll up, apply a spring roll skin edge with egg white, then paste.
Repeat until all the consumables.
Fried spring rolls in hot oil, use medium heat.
Fried spring rolls until golden brown skin, remove and drain.
Serve warm with pickles and bottled sambal Bangkok.

Getuk Lindri (getuk Cassava)

Getuk Lindri or getuk Cassava is a traditional cake is still preferred. Getuk colorful Lindri increasingly favors with the addition of grated coconut.


500 grams of cassava
150 grams of sugar
1/2 tsp salt
Food coloring to suit your taste

Half coconut, finely grated
1/4 tsp salt

Mix the ingredients together, briefly steamed, cooled at room temperature.

How to Make:

Cassava peel, wash and cut into small pieces.
Boiled cassava until cooked and tender. Wait to cool.
Cassava mash, mixed with sugar and salt. Knead until smooth.
Divide the dough and give food coloring to suit your tastes.
Print with mold getuk lindri.
Serve with grated coconut.

Cake Trays Abon

This savory pastry trays of coconut milk and more delicious with a sprinkling of shredded beef on it. The material is cheap and easy to make.


100 grams of rice flour
25 grams of corn starch
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
350 ml thick coconut milk warm


Shredded beef to taste
Sliced ​​red chili sauce to taste
Celery leaves are plucked to taste

How to Make:

Mix the flour, corn starch, sugar and salt.
Pour coconut milk gradually and stir until the flour is no clumping.
Pour mixture into molds (like the picture above can be printed or round) to a bit full.
Steamed until cooked about 20 minutes.
Remove the tray from the mold leave to cool at room temperature.
Give a sprinkling of shredded at the top of the cake platter, decorated with sliced ​​red chili sauce and celery.
Abon Talam cake ready to serve.

Klepon Nice and Chewy

Klepon is a traditional cake that tastes sweet from brown sugar liquid on the inside. Klepon more delicious because it is served with grated coconut.


200 grams of glutinous rice flour
50 grams of rice flour
1 tsp water whiting
1 tbsp suji leaves or green food coloring to taste
1/2 tsp salt
150 ml of water
150 grams of brown sugar, finely sliced
Grated coconut to taste

How to Make:

Mix the glutinous rice flour, rice flour, whiting, salt and suji leaf water until blended.
Pour a little water and stir until the dough can be printed.
Take the dough to taste (about 1 teaspoon), form circle, flatten, fill with brown sugar, then make a circle. Make sure all brown sugar covered dough.
Dough boiled in water that has been simmering on the stove. Wait until the dough floats, then remove and drain.
KKepon roll over grated coconut and serve.

Traditional Layer Cake Rice Flour

Layer cake with sweet, savory and chewy is still preferred. You can make your own with this simple and easy recipe. Come try.


275 grams of rice flour
100 grams of corn starch
300 grams of sugar
1.2 L of liquid milk
1/2 tsp salt
3 pandan leaves
5 lime leaves
Green dye cake to taste
pandan paste
Chocolate pasta to taste

How to Make:

Boil coconut milk with salt, pandan leaves and lime leaves. Stir until the milk is not broken. Lift chill. Discard pandan leaves and lime leaves.
Mix the rice flour, corn starch and sugar, pour the cooled coconut milk gradually while stirring. Make sure the dough becomes smooth with no lumps.
Divide the dough into three. Give the container with chocolate pasta and pasta pandan in another container. If pasta pandan still pale, pale green cake coloring add to taste, stir well.
Prepare pan size 18x18x18 which has been smeared with cooking oil. Insert baking pan that has been simmering in the saucepan.
Pour approximately 100-125 ml of white dough. Cook for five minutes, then pour the batter green, and so on alternating until all the dough is finished.
Once the dough out, steamed cake for 30 minutes, then remove from heat.
Cut the layer cake to taste and serve.

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