Tilapia Yellow Seasonings



2 tilapia fish (medium size) cut 2
200 ml coconut milk
5 pieces of cayenne pepper
2 cm galangal (crushed)
2 bay leaves
2 stalks lemongrass (crushed)
1 orange leaves
1 large carrots (cut into rectangular pieces)
1 big size cucumber (seeded and cut a rectangle)
salt to taste
Oil for sauteing
Fried onions for topping

Spices that are:
2 cloves garlic
4 pieces of red onion
2 cm turmeric
1 piece of pecan
1/2 tsp coriander
1/2 teaspoon pepper
salt to taste
sugar to taste

How to make:
Heat oil and saute until fragrant spices are mashed. Add lime leaves, lemon grass that has been crushed, bay leaves, galangal already crushed, stir again until fragrant.

Enter the chili, fish, carrots and cucumber. Stir well. Pour the coconut milk. Feel salinity salt, if it is less able to add a little more salt.

Wait for the yellow spice soak and boil coconut milk so the fish is cooked through. Do not forget to sauce, stirring so that milk is not broken.

But keep in mind, in the hope that slowly stirred, so that the fish was not destroyed.

Remove and serve. Sprinkle fried onions.

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