Kelempon Sticky


20 leaves suji
3-4 pandan leaves
30 ml of water
1 tsp water whiting
325 grams of glutinous rice flour
25 grams of starch
300 ml warm water
1/2 tsp salt
100 grams of brown sugar, comb / small slices
water to boil
4 pandan leaves, cut into pieces
1/2 coconuts and a half old, discard husks, steamed
1/2 tsp salt
1 -2 pandan leaves, cut into pieces
How to Make:

Iris leaves and pandan leaves suji, then process in a blender with water. Once soft, squeeze and strain, discarding the waste. Enter whiting water, stir and set aside.
Put glutinous rice flour and starch in a container / bowl, pour warm water that has been mixed with salt, stir and knead for about 10 minutes. After that enter the water-pandan leaves suji, mix well.
Take 1 teaspoon of dough, flatten. Put 1/2 tsp brown sugar in the middle, close the back and a round shape. Perform the same steps on all remaining ingredients.
Cook water with pandan leaves in a pot covered. Once boiling, reduce heat, simmer until fragrant boiled water. Remove the pandan leaves from the pot, put the dough into a circle pandan water. Cook until the float (about 5 minutes) or until cooked, remove and drain.
Immediately roll in shredded coconut sphere to sphere covered coconut steamed and are not attached to each other, serve

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